Double-polysilicon RCA transistors, with both less temperature dependence on current gain and higher cut-off frequency, are fabricated. 研制的多晶硅发射区RCA晶体管不仅具有较低的电流增益-温度依赖关系,而且还具有较快的工作速度。
Compared with the bulk MOSFET, the DMG MOSFET with the insulator halo has the higher transconductance and the lower inherent delay, and its cut-off frequency can achieve GHz. 与体硅器件相比,介质Halo异质栅MOSFET具有较高的跨导和较低的本征延迟,其截止频率fT可以达到GHz。
By simulating, we found that the device has good characteristics of DC output, lower parasitic capacitance, and higher cut-off frequency. 模拟发现,器件具有较好的直流输出特性,较低的寄生电容,较高的截止频率。